Extra Support Credits


Here is where you order your extra support time as credits.  These work as 60min increments. Just enter the credits you may require. Any remaining time will be available as work credit for future jobs. Feel free to ring for an estimate.


Order the extra work you need done on a per hour basis. It may be for design of new webpage or blog, keyword research to find which words work best, onsite SEO, Issue fixes, setting up of Facebook, Twitter or Google+ Page, or setting up and maintaining an online Shop. Extra Support can include, but not limited to:

  • Design/install new page or blog
  • Change menu/ add links
  • Keyword Research
  • Onsite SEO
  • Issue fixes not already covered
  • Social Media page updates
  • Online Shop updates
  • Training (can include creating posts and pages)
  • and other services

Please do not hesitate to call us to discuss your needs further.